Saturday, February 9, 2013

Australia's Human Rights Abuse: Governments Legalise Human Consumption (prostitution and commercial objectification)

For we are young and... tolerant.

The following complaint was made to Now is the time to stand up for your freedom. What Australia is being offered is the protection of dehumanisation and the institutionalisation of the government's beliefs. This is a dangerous combination which historically has been restricted to totalitarian states.


Failure of the Australian Government to protect the rights of its citizens - overseeing the legalisation of prostitution in Australian states and territories (e.g. Prostitution Act 1979). Failure to defend Australians against dehumanisation in the form of sexual objectification in the media.

Explain Violation:

The Australian Government has failed to protect the human rights of its citizens. Where other countries (e.g. Sweden) have recognised the vulnerability of its citizens to sexual exploitation and therefore banned the sexual consumption of its citizens (their purchase), Australia has done nothing while claiming it stands for Human Rights. The Australian government has acted in gross negligence. The Australian government has overseen the legalisation of prostitution in Australian states and territories (e.g. NSW Prostitution Act 1979). It has failed to provide alternate, humane solutions to identified problems facing marginalised members of its society (who have psychological and economic difficulties, often having suffered sexual abuse prior to having their bodies sold for the first time). There has also been a complete failure to defend Australians against dehumanisation in the form of sexual objectification in the media. The psychological effects of tolerating the presentation of humans (including Australian citizens) as sexual objects for consumption have not been properly investigated. Until this has been completed (and the scientific data is in order), all forms of media and performance promoting the sexual objectification of human beings in Australian society must be outlawed.

Recommended Actions:

The purchase of "sexual services" (prostitution) should be banned immediately across Australia in line with internationally recognised movements towards integrated human rights protection (Sweden should be taken as a case study). Sexual objectification in the media and performance should be outlawed until complete scientific studies have been conducted as to its effects on Australian citizens (on both those dehumanised, and those experiencing such dehumanisation).

Following this, there should be an immediate move to reevaluate Australia's interpretation of Human Rights, and its primacy over civil rights. The Australian Human Rights Commission should make an effort to study the Australian National Anthem (in particular the notion of being "free"), and find in it clues towards the importance of freedom over good intended regulation that does not concern human rights. The Australian Human Rights Commission should also study the Australian Constitution, in particular the preamble ("The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth..."), in order to rediscover the limitations and roles of the Australian Government. They should immediately recognise that its roles do not include the enforcement of belief systems on the Australian population (regarding the nature of sexuality, religion, politics, age, disability or otherwise), else we risk establishment of a totalitarian state. With the protections of our citizens against dehumanisation, it is proposed that the desired outcome of universal respect will come of its own accord.

Follow-up communication:

... It should be evident that human rights are intrinsic: they are both absolute and eternal. They are completely independent of what a people vote for or what a legal system upholds. Some of the greatest crimes in history are committed when we do nothing. I suggest that the Australian government (and their Human Rights commission) act of its own initiative to solve the problems I (and other nations) have identified, irrespective of their current legal status...


7.9% of men and 19.7% of women had suffered some form of sexual abuse prior to the age of 18.
The prevalence of child sexual abuse in community and student samples: A meta-analysis
Noemí Peredaa, Georgina Guilerab, Maria Fornsa, Juana Gómez-Benitob
Clinical Psychology Review, Volume 29, Issue 4, June 2009, Pages 328-338

33.6% of girls, 15.9% of boys had suffered some form of sexual abuse prior to the age of 16. (for extreme cases: 12% of women, 4% of men). There was a consistent 30% chance of child sexual abuse for females over 40 years (1960 to 2000)
Is child sexual abuse declining? Evidence from a population-based survey of men and women in Australia
Michael P. Dunnea, David M. Purdie b, Michelle D. Cooka, Frances M. Boyle c, Jake M. Najmand
Child Abuse & Neglect 27 (2003) 141-152

28% of girls and 9% of boys. Over 90% of abusers were men, the girls experiencing mainly heterosexual advances. 24% of abusers were strangers compared with 76% known to the children.
The prevalence and nature of child sexual abuse in Australia.
Goldman, Ronald J.; Goldman, Juliette D
Australian Journal of Sex, Marriage & Family, Vol 9(2), May 1988, 94-106.

Which part of the Australian Human Rights Commission is dealing with these statistics? What commission has been established to resolve this problem?

Does the Australian Government think that their failure to protect Australian citizens against dehumanisation has not resulted in child abuse? What about all of the child abuse Australia has outsourced to the third world? What about all of the Australian Government employees who use young women and pay for their sexual objectification?

Get real. Take action. Deal with it.